Project Description



Birth and Parenting Services

When you find out you are expecting a baby, you have so many choices to make – choosing a provider, choosing a hospital, and choosing how you want your birth to look.

Women’s Health Care offers the best care for you and your baby before, during and after labor – keeping you and baby as healthy as possible and helping you to have the birthing experience you choose! We also continue to take care of you after your baby is born, supporting you with well-woman care, addressing any pregnancy or postpartum rehab needs, lactation counseling and postpartum support groups.

From the time your pregnancy is confirmed, you’ll have regular physical check-ups and tests throughout. How often you have them may change as you get closer to delivery. During early pregnancy, you may also undergo tests that give us a lot of information so we can prepare for possible complications or take preventive steps. For example, a urinalysis can detect high levels of glucose which could be a sign of diabetes; high protein levels may be a sign of preeclampsia.

During the first trimester, you have a sonogram which gives us a look at how the fetus is forming and growing, what age it is, and other information. This is also when you get your first glimpse of baby (or babies).

“We want to you to have all of the information you need to be confident and successful as a new parent! We also want to make your arrival to the hospital to meet your baby as hassle-free as possible”
Preparing for your baby’s arrival

For a Healthy Pregnancy and a Healthy Baby

Women’s Healthcare Center is here for you